How To Prepare For Your New French Bulldog: Fur Parent’s Guide

Are you getting ready to welcome home an adorable French bulldog? The days before receiving your dog can be equally as exciting as it is also stressful. Whether it’s an old French bulldog or a young one, you must remember a few things!

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Taking care of a dog is a big responsibility, and the first few weeks are essential to get your dog situated at your home. Being fully prepared before they come home will allow you to spend more time with them during this period.

This article has information about essential items, tips, and tricks to get you and your home ready.

Getting your home ready

Things to keep away

Frenchies are very curious by nature and will explore their new surroundings. You might not always be with them, and accidents can happen. Prevention is always better, so there are a few things you should keep away for the time being.

Small objects are especially concerning if you are getting a puppy Frenchie. They love to chew on things they can find and swallow them. 

Things like coins, pen caps, paper clips, and jewelry are everyday items you can find on the ground. A good sweep or vacuum of their area can keep choking hazards like these out of the way.

Another danger to even adult dogs that you might not realize is common household plants. Keep houseplants in a high place so they can’t chew on the leaves. Try to avoid eating in their area as well. Crumbs of the food you eat, like chocolate, nuts, and raisins, are poisonous to dogs.

While on the topic of chewing, things with cords like extension wires, phone chargers, and earphones are just as susceptible to their nibbling urges. If the room you keep them in has unused power sockets, try sealing them with tape or covering them with furniture, just in case.

Play area

This part is crucial if you have a home with a lot of foot traffic, large spaces, or other dogs. Giving them their own space can help them feel secure and less wary of their surroundings. This area should have all their essential items at a paw’s reach and regularly cleaned.

If you plan on keeping your Frenchie in a room or upper level with stairs, a baby gate can be handy to keep the door open and the stairs closed off.

You can also use this space if you have other dogs you want them to meet. It’s always safer to have a barrier between dogs meeting for the first time just to be safe. You can also take the puppy out and let your old dog explore it so they can get accustomed to each other’s smell.   

Essential Items

As previously mentioned, a play area should have your new dog’s essential items. Having it listed now is better, so you won’t have to do last-minute store runs.


Kennels have had a bad rapport for being used as a punishment, but they are essential for your new Frenchie to establish boundaries and personal space when used correctly.

By using treats and training, you can get your dog to have a positive connection to the crate. It can serve as its sleeping quarters and personal area. You can also use it as a travel crate to bring them to the vet or even on vacations.

Frenchies are small so getting a size bigger than their body, which is around small to medium, will ensure that they have enough space inside.

Potty pads

Potty training your Frenchie can get very challenging, so it’s best to have them familiar with their potty pads for the first few weeks. You can also use this as a lining for their play area for easy cleaning.

I suggest keeping a pack or two around that can last a while, so you don’t find yourself short. There are also reusable ones if you prefer them over disposable ones. 

Food and water bowls

A good diet and hygiene are vital in keeping your Frenchie happy and healthy. Many might not give it a second thought, but a dog’s food bowl can become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Veterinarians advise against plastic bowls as bacteria can quickly get stuck within the tiny scratches. Stainless steel bowls or even heavy ceramic ones would be a better option. You can easily wash them. They are more hygienic and are non-slip.

Grooming kit

There are plenty of types of Frenchies out there. They come in different fur colors like merle and lilac and fur coats like that of a fluffy French bulldog. Whichever one you are expecting, having home grooming supplies is a must.

A grooming comb to regularly brush your dog’s coat will keep it healthy and shiny. Having a good quality shampoo is a must. Try looking for ones that are hypoallergenic since Frenchies can have sensitive skin.

You can also purchase nail clippers, but if you aren’t sure how to cut a dog’s nails, leave them to the professionals. 

Toys and Treats

These are the absolute essentials to keep your puppy engaged. Having toys around will teach them which objects are okay to play with, and the treats can help with training.

Just remember the tip about small objects. Try to avoid toys that have small parts they can swallow. If you welcome a puppy, teething is to be expected, so get good quality teething toys and avoid rubber that dogs can easily tear.

Harness and leash

Exercise is vital for any dog’s daily routine. Make sure to fully vaccinate your Frenchie before going on walks, so they aren’t prone to getting diseases.

Full-body harnesses are better since they hug the body and won’t chock them. If they aren’t ready to go on walks yet, you can have them wear the harness inside your home so they get used to the feeling.

Dog Food

There are a lot of dog food brands out there but what is important is you find the right one for your Frenchie. There is also the case with picky eaters, so you might have to switch it up initially, but consistency is critical.

You can research dog food brands or check with veterinarians to know which ones are the best for your dog’s needs.

Photo by Angelo Pantazis on Unsplash

Communicate with the breeder

You won’t know the actual temperament and needs of your French bulldog until it comes home. To be fully prepared, communicating with the breeder or previous owner will be very helpful.

Check what dog food they are feeding your Frenchie, so you can prepare a bag of it. The stomachs of dogs are sensitive to food change, so if you plan to change their dog food, you will have to gradually mix it in with the old one. 

You can also ask if they are currently taking any vitamins or medicine. It can also be helpful if they have information on whether the dog is allergic to certain food or materials.

Favorite snacks, toys, and games will also help you be ready to welcome your Frenchie when they come to their forever home.

Appointments and schedules


One significant appointment you need is to a veterinarian clinic. Some may require you to call prior, and some accept walk-ins, but it’s better to call ahead to check. Finding a good one close to you is crucial if you don’t live near the previous owner’s or the breeder’s initial vet.

You can always ask if they have experience with your dog’s breed and can help you further understand what to expect. You won’t have to bring the dog to the vet immediately, but having a check-up within two weeks to check for missed vaccinations or sickness is the best.

Personal Schedule

Dogs are a big responsibility, and preparing for one to come home to you means that you have committed to taking care of it. Part of that commitment means spending a lot of time with them to help with the adjustment.

Whether they will come to you as a puppy or a full-grown adult, being in a new environment can be very scary. It’s your job to ensure they will feel comfortable, so you might need to opt-out of outings and return home earlier for the first few weeks.

Researching how to take care of them and watching French bulldog training videos will take up the bulk of your time before they come home to you. It will also be nerve-wracking and exciting, so just put your best foot forward and have fun welcoming your new family member. 


You might be getting ready now to buy essentials or pick your beautiful French bulldog, and this is undoubtedly an exciting time. Remember that you are already halfway prepared as long as you are ready with a cozy home and open arms.

Your Frenchie is just as nervous as going to its forever home. Hopefully, you are now equipped to make their time with you as magical as possible.

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