7 Things To Consider Before Buying A French Bulldog

Have you considered getting a dog when you chanced upon a French bulldog for sale? Before you run home and contact a reputable breeder, you should sit down and bear in mind some things about a French bulldog.

Photo by Bas Peperzak on Unsplash

Here is a list of things to consider before buying a French Bulldog!

  1. Considering a French Bulldog? Learn About the Costs Involved

You will want to buy from a reputable breeder if you want the best for you and your puppy. The cost of a Frenchie can depend on many things, like the rarity of the coat color, but the price tag usually comes from the whole process of breeding them.

Frenchies cannot reproduce on their own and require artificial insemination. But this comes after the rigorous testing both parents must undergo to eliminate any chances of genetic mutation, which may lead to health problems.

Their small stature also makes it nearly impossible to reproduce naturally. They would need to get a C-section, and the puppies would need to be taken care of by veterinarians after birth.

But your expenses won’t stop there. Frenchies have a lot of health conditions due to their natural genetics. We will go deeper on this subject in the following number but just know you will probably be a regular in your vet clinic.

We go back to the point of getting a reputable breeder. An experienced breeder knows how to minimize the risks of health conditions and ultimately save you money. 

Since Frenchies are extremely popular, there are shady breeders that have begun puppy mills,which are considered not only animal abuse. This practice also increases possibilities of in-breeding that could lead to genetic mutations.

Buy only from a reputable breeder to ensure your Frenchie is healthy. They give high-quality dog food and vitamins, and take them to regular checkups.

Now, you may be asking why they are so popular with their price tag, keep reading to find out!

  1. French Bulldog Companionship: Great with Kids, Dogs, and Singles

Frenchies are simply the best for future owners with kids or other dogs. They aren’t aggressive with children and have laid-back personalities. They can be wary of larger dog breeds, but they will become best friends with enough time and socialization.

Being family-friendly is also a big reason for their popularity. Just note that you will also have to teach your children how to deal with smaller dogs beforehand. A French bulldog has a very calm temperament but can also bite if threatened.

If you have another animal in your home before getting a Frenchie, 99% of the time, you won’t have to worry about them getting along. If you are still a bit nervous, introduce your old pet to their new family member gradually.

Confidence is critical when dealing with situations like this. Most pets have a keen sense of smell, can sense your negative emotions, and may reciprocate them. Socialization and allowing them to get used to each other’s scent and presence slowly is essential.

But what if you live alone? Frenchies are very independent when they want to be, but they are also prone to separation anxiety. Early training and quality time with them are vital to prevent separation anxiety.

There are many alternatives if you are still concerned about leaving them alone. Drop them off at a trusted family member’s home, or even consider finding a doggie daycare.

They are lovely pets who love to snuggle with you and fit in with any family situation.

Photo by Hendrik Kespohl on Unsplash

  1. Caring for Your French Bulldog’s Health: Potential Conditions to Know

Before you start getting concerned by the list of health conditions, just know that every dog breed has health issues. French Bulldogs have outstanding personalities, and knowing what is to come can help you in the future. 

Here is a list of possible health issues you may encounter according to the Canine Medicine and Genetics:

Otitis externa – This occurs when the lining of the external ear canal becomes inflamed due to allergies, microbial infections, etc.

Diarrhea – This can happen due to a sudden change in diet, allergies, eating of foreign objects, or underlying health conditions.

Conjunctivitis – Signs include but aren’t limited to cloudy-yellowish discharge, excessive blinking, and swelling around the eyes. This may be because of allergies or infection.

Skin fold dermatitis – This is an infection between two skin folds, possibly from excessive friction and moisture or the lack of ventilation.

Pyoderma – This is a bacterial skin infection that may come from scratches or abrasions that become infected.

Pododermatitis – This is the infection of the paw tissues caused by bacteria, allergies, environmental contaminants, or immune system issues.

As scary as this list is, you will be happy to know that many Frenchies live long, happy, and healthy lives and that most of these are preventable. 

You can prevent most external issues with a healthy diet that includes good-quality dog food, vitamins, hygiene, and regular vet checkups. Frenchies face most problems with their skin from allergies, so always double-check the ingredients.

Always consult your veterinarian if you feel something off about your dog’s condition!  

  1. Keeping Your French Bulldog Fit: Exercise and Lifestyle Tips

On a lighter note, Frenchies are very much homebodies. They don’t need a lot of exercise to keep them fit, and a daily walk or two should suffice.

If you are the type of person who loves staying at home and cuddling, this lovable breed might be your perfect half. You don’t have to worry if you live in a smaller house or apartment, as Frenchies thrive in cozy homes.

This doesn’t mean Frenchies aren’t a good fit for hopeful pet owners with an active lifestyle. Just a heads up that you might be carrying them more than them walking with their legs on hiking trips and that they aren’t excellent swimmers.

The number one thing Frenchies love is spending time with their humans, and as long as you are ready with a carrying case, food and water, adventures are just a walk away.

Frenchies can be prone to obesity, especially when training with treats, so make sure to take them out regularly. Many vets suggest a proper diet for dog breeds like Frenchies and just the right amount of exercise.

  1. French Bulldog’s Bright Mind: Mental Stimulation and Training

French Bulldogs are surprisingly brilliant dogs despite ranking 109th out of 138 breeds in intelligence. They are stubborn but highly motivated.

Stress and anxiety can build up if you don’t play with them often. This is especially prevalent in young Frenchie puppies, so expect to spend a lot of time with you in their first few months.

This time is crucial if you want to teach your dogs commands like sit, stay, or heel. It’s in their nature to be social and friendly, but there have been cases of aggression due to the lack of stimulation or socialization.

Many people expect to leave their puppies with toys and call it mental stimulation, but it’s more than that. 

Mental stimulation includes setting boundaries, playing with them, teaching them commands, and preparing for times they would need to be alone to prevent separation anxiety.

You don’t have to get a professional dog trainer with the amount of information on the internet, so armed with treats and a positive attitude, consider this as spending quality time.

  1. Responsible Ownership: Neutering Your French Bulldog

If you plan to adopt a Frenchie as a pet and not for breeding, consider neutering them. As previously mentioned, their breed cannot reproduce naturally, and neutering them has a lot of benefits.

This procedure can help with behavioral problems by lessening their hormones, which may drive up their aggressiveness and territorial tendencies. It also prevents diseases like cancer or tumors.

The earlier in their life you neuter them, the safer the procedure will be. There is still a risk in putting your dog under anesthesia and undergoing surgery, so always look for a reputable veterinarian who preferably has worked with the dog breed before.

If you are on the fence about the decision, you can always consult the vet for the right course of action. 

  1. Understanding Brachycephalic Breeds: Caring for Your French Bulldog’s Unique Needs

Brachycephalic dogs are also called flat-nosed dogs. Some examples of breeds include English bulldogs, pugs, Shih Tzus, and boxers. These dog breeds have shortened skulls which leads to a variety of problems.

The most common is the brachycephalic airway syndrome which, to sum up, its effects make these breeds of dogs more challenging to breathe. Consequently, Frenchies have difficulty regulating their body temperature and don’t do well in stressful activities and environments.

As a person considering owning one, you must always keep a vigilant eye when out on walks or exercising so you don’t push yourself beyond your limit. Collars are highly inadvisable, and soft padded harnesses are preferred. 

Many airlines have also rejected flying these breeds in the cargo area or flights due to their inability to breathe from the high altitudes. They are also prone to heatstroke, so you must avoid hot and humid places.

Frenchies are prone to sinking or drowning with their breathing condition and lack of webbed feet. It’s highly suggested to keep them in a kiddie pool or have a life vest on if you want to take them swimming.


There are many things to consider when getting a dog, especially one as special as the Frenchie. Owning one is a big responsibility and has a lot of challenges, but knowing what may be ahead can surely help. Now go on! There is an adorable Frenchie out there waiting just for you. 

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