Do Bulldogs Shed a Lot? Here’s What You Need  to Know

French bulldogs are a lovely breed of dogs that originally came from the British Isles. They are believed to come from the Asiatic mastiff and the pug. There are many kinds of bulldogs, and if you’re planning to buy or adopt one, knowing the difference between them might help you out.

One common concern that soon-to-be fur parents have is if the breed sheds a lot. Breeds that shed a lot often need more maintenance and grooming and have to be cleaned after. 

For bulldogs, shedding varies with the different variations of bulldogs, with the French bulldog being one of the more famous ones.

So, to know whether a bulldog sheds a lot, you first need to know the variety or type of French bulldog.

In this article, we will first be discussing the different variation under the breed of French bulldogs. We will then share in-depth knowledge on their shedding patterns which will hopefully help you out.

French Bulldog

One of the most famous varieties of bulldogs, the French bulldog or commonly called as a Frenchies is a popular choice of a small dog all around the world.

They are cute, tiny, and have a fun personality. French bulldogs are most known for their bat ears that stick all the way up.

In general, French bulldogs have short and rough hair. They are known to be quite the shedders and can shed all throughout the year. This shedding is even more abundant during the summer months when they shed their winter coat.

It is also said that those Frenchies that are lighter in color shed a lot more than those with dark-colored coats.

Lilac French Bulldog

Under the French bulldog is the Lilac French Bulldog. This variety of bulldog has a distinct lilac or purple hue to their fur coat.

The color of their coat comes from a dilution gene of the hair. The Lilac French bulldog has a longer hair than other French bulldogs and will therefore shed a lot more than them. They also tend to shed all year round.

Merle French Bulldog

The Merle French bulldog is one of the easiest variants of French bulldogs to recognize. This is because they have a light base coat with darker patches on them.

These patches can range in all types of color from brown, black, blue, to even lilac, making the lilac merle French bulldog.

They also tend to have vibrant blue eyes due to their merle genes.

For shedding, they also tend to shed a lot just like other French bulldogs.

Chocolate French Bulldog

The Chocolate French bulldog also gets its name from the color of their fur. They have chocolate brown fur that resembles that of a Labrador very closely.

They get their dark brown and chocolate color from a recessive gene. Unlike other colors though, the chocolate gene is not testable and so you would have to breed either two or one dog that carries the gene itself.

Their eye color can range from reddish-brown, green, and blue. Since the Chocolate French bulldog is on the darker-colored coat side, they tend to shed less than other French bulldogs.

Platinum Fluffy French Bulldog

A Platinum Fluffy French bulldog is a type of bulldog that has a coat that ranges from white to cream-colored. They also have dilution and therefore have lighter-colored eyes, lips, nose, and even their paw pads.

Platinum Fluffy French bulldogs have slightly longer hair than normal French bulldogs, but it’s usually not that distinct.

As they have longer hair, they tend to shed a lot more than other French bulldogs out there.

Chocolate Fluffy French Bulldog

A Chocolate Fluffy French Bulldog is a type of French bulldog that is both chocolate-colored and has longer hair.

Although darker-colored frenchies tend to shed less, this variant is fluffy and has longer hair. This makes the Chocolate Fluffy French Bulldog prone to shedding a lot more.

Other Variants

Aside from the previously mentioned and more commonly known variants, there are more French bulldogs.

Other variants are still usually categorized and named based on their color and differentiated if they have longer hair, making them fluffy.

Other French bulldog variants include a chocolate and tan French bulldog, a blue French bulldog, a gray French bulldog, Isabella French bulldog, and a Fawn Merle French bulldog.

Another adorable variant is when a French bulldog is bred with another breed, the pug. This variant has been dubbed “The Frug”. A French bulldog mixed with a pug is small in size and has great personalities.

How to Deal with Shedding

If you’re concerned about the shedding of French bulldogs, then you need to know how to deal with it first. Although they are known to shed quite a bit and all throughout the year, they aren’t as high maintenance as other longer-haired breeds. Here’s what you need to know to deal with their shedding:


To groom your Frenchie, all you need to do is to brush them every few days or even weekly to get rid of the shed fur that’s still stuck. They usually fall off on their own but they can stay on your dog and build-up, therefore brushing them off is recommended.

Along with brushing them, frenchies also have the tendency to get the skin condition called skin fold dermatitis as their skin has a lot of wrinkles that can get inflamed. To take care of this, clean them thoroughly with a damp soft cloth and make sure they dry after. Keeping them clean and dry is key to keeping the dermatitis away.

Brush your dog at least once a week.

The short-haired Frenchies won’t need constant brushing. As long as you brush them at least once a week, you can comb out the hair stuck in their coat before it falls all over the ground.

Brushing their coat also encourages blood flow to their skin and follicles, making their hair healthier and less prone to falling out. You will see them shed less and have a shinier coat from the evenly dispersed natural oils their body makes.

You should increase to at least twice a week for fluffy Frenchies to get the same benefits. This will also avoid matting and feel like heaven for the affectionate Frenchies.

Proper Diet

As previously mentioned, shedding patterns connect to your pets’ health. Feeding them good quality food and vitamins for hair growth and retention can help with shedding.

Diets consisting of human-grade lean meat and other food high in EPA and DHA can make your Frenchies coat stronger and healthier. You can also try natural supplements or vitamins, of course, all this with your vet’s approval.  

Distinguish normal shedding patterns from an excessive one.

While on the topic of vets, if you notice your French bulldog shedding out of season and excessively, immediately take them to the vet. Frenchies have extremely sensitive skin, and excessive shedding can signify allergies or other illnesses.

If the vet says that your pet is healthy, consult with them about a change in diet or a suggestion in grooming tools. You can refer to the tips above for more information on that.


What French bulldog breed shed the most?

All french bulldogs shed a moderate amount. However, owners of fluffy french bulldogs and some lilac Frenchies note that they shed more notably since their coats are long.

If you haven’t heard of a fluffy Frenchie before, you are in for a surprise. They were born due to both parents carrying a recessive gene of Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 or FGF 5. There is only a 25% chance of a Frenchie being born with long hair, even if both parents carry the gene.

Due to their rarity, there hasn’t been much data if they shed more than an average short-haired Frenchie, but they require more grooming. Their hair is longer and thinner, making them look very fluffy, as the name suggests.

All this fluff will have to go somewhere and can be very noticeable during the seasons when they prepare a new coat.

What factors contribute to the shedding of a Frenchie?

The coat of a dog can communicate many things about its health. If your Frenchie is healthy, you can typically see them shed moderately. This means their skin is healthy enough to replace old hairs and keep shiny.

Excessive shedding can signal that something is wrong with your dog. It can happen due to allergies, immune diseases, and other underlying medical issues. The moment you notice this, immediately go to your vet.

Psychological factors can also affect their shedding. Being constantly surrounded by loud sounds or tons of people can increase stress levels that can show up as balding or excessive shedding. 

Seasons also play a significant role in the shedding of your Frenchie. Their hair grows back every time it falls out, but you will notice this the most during spring and fall. They develop a new coat to prepare for temperature changes.

Since shedding is also a way to control their body heat, their bodies naturally know when to grow a thicker or thinner coat.

How often do French bulldogs shed?

A Frenchie is a good choice if you are worried about getting a dog that sheds a lot. While they shed the most during seasons with drastic temperature changes like spring or fall, they are one of the less-shedding dog breeds.

Short-haired Frenchies won’t shed as much if you regularly take care of their coats. Besides those two seasons, shedding isn’t a problem and is almost unnoticeable. As long as your Frenchie is happy and healthy, you can expect their shedding patterns to be regular.

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